- Books from the College Library are issued only to present students of the college and the members of staff.
- Students will be allowed to borrow two books on production of identity cards only.
- The Library will be opened for issue and receipt of books on every working day. The working hours are as notified on the Notice Board of Library.
- Books taken on loan can be retained up to a maximum period of 15 days. During the interval, the books can be returned and taken on loan.
- A student who fails to return the book on due date shall have to pay a fine of Rs.1/- per book per day subject to a maximum penalty of Rs.25/- after 30 days.
- No student will be allowed to borrow books, if the fine is not paid.
- If, the day on which the return of books fall due happens to be a holiday, the books are to be returned on the next working day without fine.
- Books taken for the vacation should be returned within three days after the reopening of the college.
- Students should not write in Library books or even underline or mark any passage in them neither should they disfigure nor mutilate them in any way.
- The borrower last using a book will be held responsible for any defect or mutilation, not pointed out at the time of taking the book.
- Absence from the college will not relieve a borrower of the responsibility of returning books on due date.
- Students entering the library shall not bring with them other books or any printing material.
- Silence shall be maintained in the library. Students who fail to observe this rule will be liable for a fine.
- Non-Members are not admitted into the library except with the permission of the Librarian.